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Salt Water

Throughout much of my childhood my family would repeatedly go to a few different beaches. There are quite a few vivid memories I can recall in the ocean, a few of which are more vivid than others.


There was a time when I was out body surfing, which is pretty much just letting the waves throw your body towards the shore while laying on your stomach in the water, and the wave, rather than guiding me to the shore, threw me under. You would have to wait for the pause between the crashing of the waves to surface, otherwise the next wave would crash on top of you, and throw you rolling under again.

Another time, back to reality here, I was caught in a riptide and pulled down the shoreline and out into further water without immediately noticing. Everything turned out alright, luckily the tide brought me back in, but that was another rather humbling moment for me.


I've had dreams of drowning, and they've all been set in the ocean. There are a lot of potential settings for moments like that, but the ocean imbues a different, more volatile and unified, kind of life that draws the mind to it in a unique manner.


The thought of the ocean still brings me a great deal of joy. Few sights are capable of containing so much hidden life: empty and brimming all in the same moment.

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